Show your ‘Io love!
You can be as creative as you want. Submissions can include (but are not limited to): a photo you took of an ‘Io, your artwork, poetry, a photo of you playing the ‘Io Eats game ( rules | game cards ), a photo of you doing an ‘Io activity, make an ‘Io meme, share an ‘Io memory or just why the ‘Io is important to you.
Currently ‘Io only live and breed on Hawai‘i Island. However… O‘ahu folks, did you know you will be able to see ‘Io too?
There are two ‘Io at the Honolulu Zoo and the Zoo is currently fundraising to build them their very own aviary. Once the construction is complete, the two hawks will be able to move into their new home and serve as ambassadors on O‘ahu. Until then they are being cared for behind the scenes. Want to help? You can donate to support the aviary construction here!
Both of the ‘Io at the Honolulu Zoo were originally patients at the Hawai‘i Wildlife Center. Both also have similar stories, with their time in the wild cut short by gunshot injuries. Read their stories below.
The ‘Io at the Honolulu Zoo have adapted well to life in captivity. Check out the two ‘Io having a lunch date.
This is also a good opportunity to see a male and a female ‘Io next to each other. The male is much smaller than the female. The female also has much chunkier legs!
If you’re on Hawai‘i Island, there is also an ‘Io at the Panaewa Zoo in Hilo!
Downloadable Extras
‘Io Phone Wallpaper – Watercolor neutral
‘Io Phone Wallpaper – Watercolor pastel rainbow
Ikaika ‘Io Short Story ( Coloring Page | Story | Audio )