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Redstart Birding
Redstart Birding is an online and birding festival store affiliated with Bird Watcher’s Digest, specializing in optics and gear for birding. The team at Redstart Birding are birders and experts in helping other birders make informed decisions about their purchases. Shop a wide range of optics, from entry-level binoculars to top-of-the-line spotting scopes. A wide variety of birding gear is also available, including binocular harnesses, tripods, digiscoping adapters, insect-repelling socks, gaiters, and scarves, trekking poles, books, puzzles and other gifts—all things a birder might want, need, and enjoy.
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Are you new to the birding world? Don’t know where to start when it comes to choosing the right equipment? Tune in to Choosing The Best Binocular For YOU!, a special HIFB Virtual session designed to help you decide what size, magnification, feel, and brand of binocular best fits your birding lifestyle, your budget, and your personal needs.